Greetings to you in the name of Jesus the Nazarene! I am thrilled to join the historic ministry of Star Gospel Mission as Executive Director and Pastor. The goal of helping people from all walks of life to experience positive life-transformation has been a specific calling on my life from an early age. And the opportunity to fulfill that calling in my hometown, nearer to my family and lifelong friends, is much more than I could have asked or imagined. I’m deeply honored and grateful for the opportunity!
As I begin, I’ll have you know that I am dedicated to ensuring that Star Gospel Mission continues to build upon its renowned legacy of service to the Charleston community. My primary goals include working to measure and enhance the Mission’s programmatic reach, working with stakeholders to build the Mission’s brand in the Lowcountry and beyond, and making disciples of those who express an interest in the reason for the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15).
These things in mind, I’ll be looking to connect with you as friends of the Mission, listening for and learning your reasons for supporting its meaningful ministry. Until we’re able to chat in real time I’ll keep you informed of our needs and progress, and also pray for you by name. The Lord bless you richly!
Reverend Dr. Marion Platt, III
Executive Director & Pastor, Star Gospel Mission