The Star News - July 1st
Congratulations to St. Philip's Church for becoming our first Light the Way partner! Their gift is a match to a Star Gospel Mission's program participant's own financial investment, assisting them with the total cost of housing, food, and comprehensive support services on their journey to wholeness.
St. Philip's and Mission Guests celebrated this partnership with a delicious steak dinner and a time for fellowship. Their faithful partnership promotes dignity, responsibility, and empowerment, helping each participant work towards creating a brighter future for themselves and their families. We are so grateful!
Incarnational Ministry
By: Jimmy Kaiser, Star Gospel Mission Development Officer
Have you ever had someone you care about show up unannounced just to say hello and encourage you? There's something special about someone going out of their way to bless you. In John 1:14, the scriptures tell us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” This speaks to the incarnational nature of God—being present in person, which is how we all want to be cared for.
Recently, one of our dear friends, Dockins, passed away after a battle with cancer. Everyone at Star Gospel Mission remembers his kind ways, his long stories, and singing hymns at the top of his lungs. As he neared the end, his dream of having his own apartment came true with the help of our staff. Pastor Marion and others visited him often, and in his final months, everyone, including his friends from the Mission, made it a priority to visit him in the hospital.
A few weeks ago, we celebrated Dockins' life in our chapel. I felt grateful for the hospitality he experienced at the Mission and the continued care he received after moving out. Because of the incarnational ministry at Star Gospel, Dockins didn't die alone; he knew he was dearly loved. We pray that you too will be encouraged by the incarnational nature of the Gospel today. We miss you, Dockins, and will see you again, friend.